4 Austin Street · St. Augustine · Trinidad | 868-645-0015 | shamillays@gmail.com

Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment & Removal in Trinidad

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins (or more commonly called "spider veins") are swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an inordinate amounts of blood. In normal veins, valves in the vein keep blood moving forward toward the heart. With varicose veins, the valves do not function properly, allowing blood to stay in the vein. Blood that pools causes the vein to swell.

This process usually occurs in the veins of the legs, although it may occur in other parts of the body. Varicose veins are common, but they usually affect women. Let Surgari Limited properly diagnose and ultimately remove and treat your varicose vein problems.

How can Surgari Limited Help Treat Varicose Veins?

There are many treatments for Varicose veins, but Surgari Limited specializes in the painless removal of unsightly veins. Though vein stripping may be necessary surgery for patients experiencing lots of pain, however here are our less invasive options:

  • Laser ablation: the process of removing material from a solid (or occasionally liquid) surface by irradiating it with a laser beam.
  • Radiofrequency abalation: is a procedure where part of the electrical conduction system veins is ablated using the heat generated from the high frequency alternating current to treat a varicose veins.
  • Sclerotherapy (which will often improve appearance): a medicine is injected into the problem veins which causes them to shrink.

Call Surgari Limited today to set up an appointment if you have any suddent increases in pain or simply would like to talk to our medical professionals about your options.